Additive Screening for Interface Systems

by Maximilian Schebek & Ignacio Gonzalez Oliva for exciting neon

(Jupyter notebook by Maximilian Schebek and Mara Voiculescu)

Purpose: In this tutorial you will learn how efficiently compute dielectric screening for large interface systems within many-body perturbation theory following the approach presented in Xuan et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2019, 15, 3824−3835. As an example, this effect will be studied for benzene on a supercell of Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2). Note that this is an advanced tutorial - make sure to be familiar with the basics of BSE as explained e.g. in the tutorials Excited states from BSE and Exciton Analysis and Visualization.

NOTE: Due to the large number of atoms, this tutorial cannot be run on a simple PC, you will need to have access to a cluster. This tutorial is only meant as a guide how to prepare the input files and as a presentation of the workflow.

0. Before Starting

Read the following paragraphs before starting with the rest of this tutorial!

Before running any tutorials, please refer to the document on how to correctly set up the environment. This only needs to be done once. After which, the venv can be (re)activated from exciting's root directory:

source tools/excitingjupyter/venv/excitingvenv/bin/activate

1. Theoretical Background

Dielectric screening in interfaces

Before starting with the calculation, we briefly review the theoretical background. Within the GW and BSE frameworks, methods stemming from many-body perturbation theory, the dielectric screening of the bare Coulomb potential $v$ is described by the dielectric function $\varepsilon$. In a plane-wave basis, the dielectric function is expressed in terms of its Fourier coefficients $\varepsilon_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q})$ which can be obtained through the Fourier coefficients of the polarizability, $\chi{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q})$, according to

$$ \varepsilon_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}) = \delta_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'} - v_{\mathbf{G}}(\mathbf{q})\chi_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}). $$

The computation of the dielectric matrix, or equivalently, the polarizability, is one of the computational bottlenecks in GW and BSE calculations with a computational cost scaling as $\mathcal{O}(N^4)$. The simulation of large bilayer interface systems, consisting of two monolayer systems (denoted as systems $(1)$ and $(2)$), therefore often becomes prohibitively expensive. An elegant way of circumventing is given by assuming the additivity of the polarizability, i.e.

$$ \chi_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}) = \chi^{(1)}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}) + \chi^{(2)}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}). $$

Here, the polarizability of the bilayer interface system, $\chi_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q})$, can be expressed in terms of the polarziabilities of the individual systems $\chi^{(1)}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q})$ and $ \chi^{(2)}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q})$. Now, the special structure of bilayer systems can be exploited: The two monolayers building the interface system typically are supercells of individual sub-unitcells, i.e. a $n_1 \times m_1$ supercell of the first individual sub-unitcell on top of a $n_2 \times m_2$ supercell of the second individual sub-unitcell (as an example, in this tutorial we will consider consider a benzene molecule on top of a $3 \times 3$ supercell of MoS2. Due to the fact that it we can compute the polarizability of the two systems individually, it is possible to obtain the polarizability of the individual supercells from the a calculation of the corresponding sub-unitcell: Due to the periodic boundary conditions, the amount of information obtained from a supercell calculation is equivalent to that obtained from the unit-cell. We therefore simply have to compute the following mapping:

$$ \chi^{(i), {\rm subunit}}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}) \rightarrow \chi^{(i)}_{\mathbf{G}\mathbf{G}'}(\mathbf{q}). $$

If you are interested in the details of this mapping, you are encouraged to have a look into the paper linked in the tutorial description.

2. Preliminary Step: Dielectric matrices of the individual systems

Important note: All input parameters are given in atomic units!

In this tutorial we consider as an example a benzene molecule on top of a $3 \times 3 \times 1$ supercell of MoS2. First, we create a run directory where will run all our calculations.

$ mkdir run
$ cd run

Inside the directory run we create three subdirectories: interface_system, benzene, and mos2 where we perform the calculations of the different systems.

$ mkdir interface benzene mos2

As a first step, we create the input files for the individual systems, the MoS2 unit cell and the benzene molecule in a cell with a volume corresponding to a $3 \times 3 \times 1$ supercell of the MoS2 unit cell. First, let's move to the mos2 directory and have a look at the MoS2 input file.

$ cd mos2

Input file for a molybdenum disulfide unit cell

  <title> MoS2 unit cell </title>

  <structure speciespath="$EXCITINGROOT/species" tshift="false">

         <basevect>   5.97625562 0.00000000 0.000000000</basevect>
         <basevect>  -2.98812782 5.17558919 0.000000000</basevect>
         <basevect>   0.00000000 0.00000000 40.40868137</basevect>

      <species speciesfile="Mo.xml" rmt="2.2">
         <atom coord="0.33333333 0.66666667 0.43069139"/>

      <species speciesfile="S.xml" rmt="2.2">
         <atom coord="0.66666667 0.33333333 0.35742493"/>
         <atom coord="0.66666667 0.33333333 0.50395736"/>


       ngridk="9 9 1" 

      ngridk="9 9 1" 
      vkloff="0.0 0.0 0.0"
      ngridq="9 9 1"

         intv="0.0 0.5" 


         nstlbse="10 13 1 4"
         distribute="true" />

         <qpoint>0.0 0.0 0.0</qpoint>

         <doonly task="scrgeneigvec"/>
         <doonly task="scrwritepmat"/>
         <doonly task="screen"/>
         <doonly task="write_dielectric_matrix"/>



With this input, we will first run a groundstate calculation followed by the calculation of the dielectric matrix. The meaning of these attributes are explained in Excited states from BSE.

The second step, computing the dielectric matrix, is a central part of every BSE calculation. However, as we are not interested in running a full BSE calculation, we can run only the specific steps needed for this purpose by specifying them in the plan element. We added the task write_dielectric_matrix which will write the dielectric matrix (which was only computed for the symmetry-reduced q-vectors) for all q-vectors. This step is important for the XAF method to work correctly. Now you can copy the input into the new file input.xml and run the calculation. The resulting dielectric matrix will be stored in the folder EPS0.

Next, we will repeat these steps, i.e. a groundstate calculation and the subsequent calculation of the dielectric matrix, for the benzene molecule. First, move to the benzene directory:

$ cd ../
$ cd benzene

The input looks like the following:

Input file for benzene in a 3x3x1 molybdenum disulfide supercell

  <title> Benzene in 3 x 3 x 1 MoS2 supercell </title>

  <structure speciespath="$EXCITINGROOT/species" tshift="false">

      <basevect>   17.928766881       0.0000000       0.000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>  -8.9643834405   15.526767578       0.000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>   0.000000       0.0000000       40.408681362</basevect>

    <species speciesfile="C.xml" rmt="1.15000">
      <atom coord="0.35955395 0.64044662 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.52933551 0.72533769 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.61422601 0.64044662 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.52933494 0.47066449 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.35955338 0.38577342 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.27466288 0.47066449 0.65594474"/>
    <species speciesfile="H.xml" rmt="0.9000">
      <atom coord="0.29321989 0.70677728 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.59566617 0.857999   0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.74689072 0.70677728 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.595669   0.40433383 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.29322272 0.25311211 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.14199817 0.40433383 0.65594474"/>

       ngridk="3 3 1" 

      ngridk="3 3 1" 
      vkloff="0.0 0.0 0.0"
      ngridq="3 3 1"

         intv="0.0 0.5" 


        nstlbse="37 40 1 4"

        <qpoint>0.0 0.0 0.0</qpoint>

        <doonly task="scrgeneigvec"/>
        <doonly task="scrwritepmat"/>
        <doonly task="screen"/>
        <doonly task="write_dielectric_matrix"/>


The lattice vectors now correspond to the ones of a $3 \times 3 \times 1$ supercell of the MoS2 unit cell. Note that due to the small hydrogen muffin-tin radius we used a smaller value of rgkmax compared to the MoS2 case. This ensures that the same $\mathbf{|G+k|}_{\rm max}$ cutoff is used for both systems.

Now you can copy the input into the new file input.xml.

3. BSE calculation of the interface system

Now it is time to run a full BSE calculation for the interface system.

$ cd ../
$ cd interface

To make use of the additive XAF approach, we need to copy the dielectric matrices (stored in EPS0) of the two individual components as well as the used q-grids (stored in QPOINTS_SCR.OUT) and q+G-grids (stored in GQPOINTS) into the interface directory. We can copy and simultaneously rename the various directories with the following commands:

$ cp -r ../mos2/EPS0 EPS0_1
$ cp -r ../mos2/GQPOINTS GQPOINTS_1 

$ cp -r ../benzene/EPS0 EPS0_2
$ cp -r ../benzene/GQPOINTS GQPOINTS_2

Doing so, MoS2 is considered as system $(1)$ of the interface system and benzene as system $(2)$. Of course, this choice is arbitrary and we could have done it the other way round. It is, however, important to be consistent with this naming in the following input file when specifying the supercell dimensions of the two systems in the attributes supercell_1 and supercell_2.

The input file for the full interface is given in the following:

Input file for benzene on top of molybdenum disulfide in a supercell

  <title> Benzene on MoS2 supercell </title>

  <structure speciespath="$EXCITINGROOT/species" tshift="false">

      <basevect>   17.928766881       0.0000000       0.000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>  -8.9643834405   15.526767578       0.000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>   0.000000       0.0000000       40.408681362</basevect>

    <species speciesfile="Mo.xml" rmt="2.2">
      <atom coord="0.11111111   0.22222222  0.43069139"/>
      <atom coord="0.11111111190434297 0.5555555555961248 0.4306913918"/>
      <atom coord="0.11111111238680436 0.8888888890511657 0.4306913918751582"/>
      <atom coord="0.44444444496601865 0.2222222221410838 0.4306913918751582"/>
      <atom coord="0.4444444454484801 0.5555555555961248 0.4306913918751582"/>
      <atom coord="0.44444444593094146 0.8888888890511657 0.430691391917247"/>
      <atom coord="0.7777777785101557 0.2222222221410838 0.4306913918751582"/>
      <atom coord="0.7777777789926172 0.5555555555961248 0.4306913918751582"/>
      <atom coord="0.7777777794750785 0.8888888890511657 0.4306913918751582"/>

    <species speciesfile="S.xml" rmt="2.2">
      <atom coord="0.22222222227220556 0.1111111110705419  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.22222222227220556 0.1111111110705419  0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.22222222275466696 0.44444444452558285 0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.22222222275466696 0.44444444452558285 0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.22222222323712837 0.7777777779806239  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.22222222323712837 0.7777777779806239  0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.5555555558163426  0.1111111110705419  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.5555555558163426  0.1111111110705419  0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.555555556298804   0.44444444452558285 0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.555555556298804   0.44444444452558285 0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.5555555567812654  0.7777777779806239  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.5555555567812654  0.7777777779806239  0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888893604797  0.1111111110705419  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888893604797  0.1111111110705419  0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888898429411  0.44444444452558285 0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888898429411  0.44444444452558285 0.5039573593401586"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888903254026  0.7777777779806239  0.35742493435609096"/>
      <atom coord="0.8888888903254026  0.7777777779806239  0.5039573593401586"/>

    <species speciesfile="C.xml" rmt="1.15000">
      <atom coord="0.35955395 0.64044662  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.52933551 0.72533769 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.61422601 0.64044662 0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.52933494 0.47066449  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.35955338 0.38577342  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.27466288 0.47066449  0.65594474"/>

    <species speciesfile="H.xml" rmt="0.9000">
      <atom coord="0.29321989 0.70677728  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.59566617 0.857999  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.74689072 0.70677728  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.595669   0.40433383  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.29322272 0.25311211  0.65594474"/>
      <atom coord="0.14199817 0.40433383  0.65594474"/>


       ngridk="3 3 1" 

    ngridk="3 3 1" 
    vkloff="0.0 0.0 0.0"
    ngridq="3 3 1"

        intv="0.0 0.5" 


        supercell_1="3 3 1"
        supercell_2="1 1 1"/>

        nstlbse="97 132 1 36"

        <qpoint>0.0 0.0 0.0</qpoint>

      <doonly task="xsgeneigvec"/>
      <doonly task="writepmatxs"/>

      <doonly task="expand_add_eps"/>

      <doonly task="scrcoulint"/>
      <doonly task="exccoulint"/>
      <doonly task="bse"/>



To replace the standard screening calculation needed in the BSE by the additive approach we include the task expand_add_eps. This requires further the presence of the expand_eps element. Here, we have to specify the dimensions of the supercells of the sub-unit cells that are used in the interface. In our case, this is $3 \times 3 \times 1$ for MoS2 and $1 \times 1 \times 1$ for benzene as this molecule was already computed in the $3 \times 3 \times 1$ supercell of MoS2.

Now, the imaginary part of the dielectric function can be plotted. The following commands can be used inside the interface folder


Then, make use of the python script excitingscripts.plot.files by typing

$ python3 -m excitingscripts.plot.files -f exact-BSE eas-BSE -lx 'Energy [eV]'  -ly 'Im $\varepsilon_M$' 
-t 'Macroscopic dielectric function'  -g  -rc  -cy 3  -x 0 8  -lp 1

As a reference, the spectrum obtained using the exact screening is also shown. As you can see, the two spectra are almost identical with some very subtle changes.