Low-dimensional systems

by Andris Gulans for exciting neon

(Jupyter notebook by Andris Gulans & Mara Voiculescu)

Purpose: This tutorial gives an introduction into running ground state calculations for low-dimensional and sparse systems efficiently. Assuming the bottleneck of the calculation is the diagonalization, the computational effort can be significantly reduced by applying the Davidson eigensolver.

0. Before Starting

Read the following paragraphs before starting with the rest of this tutorial!

Before running any Jupyter tutorials, please refer to the 00_before_starting.md document on how to correctly set up the environment. This only needs to be done once. After which, the venv can be (re)activated from exciting's root directory:

source tools/excitingjupyter/venv/excitingvenv/bin/activate

As a first step, you may create a running directory for the notebook.

In [ ]:
mkdir -p run_graphyne

1. Theoretical Background

Low-dimensional systems attract particular interest in modern materials research, and exciting can be used for studying them. The LAPW basis assumes periodicity in three dimensions, and specifying geometry of such systems involves large vacuum regions to prevent interactions between periodic images. As a result, one obtains large unit cells even for several atoms, and it leads to large basis sets and heavy calculations.

Suppose the unit cell of the studied system contains $N_\mathrm{at}$ atoms, and the basis consists of $N_\mathrm{LAPW}$ LAPWs. In the limit of large $N_\mathrm{LAPW}$, the most laborious step of a ground-state DFT calculation employing a (semi)local exchange-correlation functional is a Hamiltonian construction and diagonalization. Standard LAPW implementations use direct matrix diagonalization algorithms as implemented in LAPACK and other linear algebra libraries. With the matrix size $N_\mathrm{LAPW} \times N_\mathrm{LAPW}$, these algorithms require $O(N_\mathrm{LAPW}^3)$ floating-point operations (FLOPs).

Considering low-dimensional systems, we notice that the required number of bands (all occupied and a few unoccupied) is small compared to $N_\mathrm{LAPW}$, and it is typically well under 1%. This is a scenario where iterative algorithms are expected to have an advantage over the direct ones. This tutorial shows how to apply the Davidson eigensolver implemented in exciting. The method was orinally introduced by E.R. Davidson in Journal of Computational Physics 17, 87 (1975), and applied in an LAPW calculation for the first time by D. Singh in Physical Review B 40, 5428 (1989). The implementation in exciting extends this approach to (L)APW+lo taking into account that the basis becomes essentially linearly dependent at large rgkmax values. The implementation is briefly described by A. Gulans, A. Kozhevnikov, C. Draxl in Phys. Rev. B 97, 161105(R) (2018).

The iterative eigensolver implemented in exciting constructs a subspace of trial wavefunctions, and it crucially depends on the ability to apply the Hamiltonian on the trial wavefunction, but it does not require that the Hamiltonian matrix is explicitly constructed. exciting supports both options: (i) the Hamiltonian matrix is explicitly constructed (occupies more memory, but it is more flexible in terms what kind of calculations are supported), (ii) the Hamiltonian matrix is never built (advantageous in many cases as it uses less memory and is typically faster).

2. Introducing $\alpha$-graphyne

$\alpha$-graphene is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope consisting of $sp$- and $sp^2$-hybridized atoms. In this tutorial, we discuss applying the iterative eigensolver for calculating the band dispersion of this material. We start with preparing an input for a standard calculation that employs the default option, a direct eigensolver from LAPACK.



  <structure speciespath="." >
    <crystal scale="1.0">
      <basevect>13.163831236 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>-6.581915618 11.400212262 0.00000000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 20.0</basevect>
    <species chemicalSymbol="C" speciesfile="C.xml" rmt="1.15">
      <atom coord="0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.6666666667 0.3333333333 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.2313939997 0.1156969998 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.4352726670 0.2176363335 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.7823636665 0.2176363335 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.8843030002 0.1156969998 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.7823636665 0.5647273330 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.8843030002 0.7686060003 0.0000000000"/>

    ngridk="4 4 1"


As explained above, we introduce a large vacuum gap (20 bohr) between the graphyne layers to eliminate interactions between the periodic images. You can explore the structure by visualizing the structure as shown below. But, before you do it, please, notice that we chose a small value of the rgkmax parameter just for getting started, and, in principle, it should be converged with respect to the quantity of interest. Also, the attribute type in the element solver is specified. Its default value is Lapack, and therefore providing it is not mandatory at this point.

Now we provide our favourite species definition for carbon. Note that the LAPW energy parameter for the radial functions with $l=0$ is set to correspond to the $2s$ band energy rather than $1s$. It is irrelevant when you use the direct eigensolvers, but it is crucially important for using the Davidson's method.

<spdb xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../xml/species.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
  <sp chemicalSymbol="C" name="carbon" z="-6.00000" mass="21894.16673">
    <muffinTin rmin="0.100000E-05" radius="1.4500" rinf="21.1565" radialmeshPoints="300"/>
    <atomicState n="1" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="0" kappa="1" occ="2.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="1" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
    <atomicState n="2" l="1" kappa="2" occ="1.00000" core="false"/>
      <default type="lapw" trialEnergy="0.15" searchE="false"/>
      <custom l="0" type="lapw" trialEnergy="-0.70" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="0">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-0.70" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="-0.70" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="0">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-0.70" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-9.9" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="0">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-9.9" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="-9.9" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="0">
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="-9.9" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="2" trialEnergy="-9.9" searchE="false"/>

      <custom l="1" type="lapw" trialEnergy="-0.20" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="1">
        <wf matchingOrder="0" trialEnergy="-0.20" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="-0.20" searchE="false"/>
      <lo l="1">
        <wf matchingOrder="1" trialEnergy="-0.20" searchE="false"/>
        <wf matchingOrder="2" trialEnergy="-0.20" searchE="false"/>


Now we save the input file as input.lapack.xml and the species file as C.xml in the working directory run_graphyne.

You can visualize the structure by executing the following command:

In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
xcrysden --exciting input.lapack.xml >/dev/null 2>&1 &
cd ..

In order to run the calculation, you simply need to use the script excitingscripts.execute.single.

In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
ulimit -s unlimited
time python -m excitingscripts.execute.single -f input.lapack.xml
cd ..

3. Using the Davidson eigensolver

Constructing the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices and diagonalizing the Hamiltonian problem take a large portion of the total run time. We can speed up this calculation by using the Davidson eigensolver. This adjustment is simple, as you have to adjust the attribute type in the element groundstate/solver from Lapack to Davidson. We run the code again, after saving the new input file as input.iterative.xml.

In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
ulimit -s unlimited
time python -m excitingscripts.execute.single -f input.iterative.xml
cd ..

Notice the reduction in the run time, while the total energy remains unchanged (within the convergence criteria) compared to the LAPACK calculation.

In the next step, we explore what is the effect of constructing or not constructing the Hamiltonian matrix during the iterative diagonalization. This choice is defined in the attribute constructHS in the element groundstate/solver. The default value of the attribute is true meaning that the Hamiltonian is explicitly constructed. We will change it to false, save the input file as input.iterative_v2.xml and rerun the calculation.

In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
ulimit -s unlimited
time python -m excitingscripts.execute.single -f input.iterative_v2.xml
cd ..

We managed to reduce the run time even further, and this is the optimal option for this system. At fixed rgkmax, the require number of FLOPs for the iterative solver is $O(N_\mathrm{at}N_\mathrm{LAPW}^2)$ and $O(N_\mathrm{at}^2 N_\mathrm{LAPW})$ when we construct or do not construct the Hamiltonian, respectively. If rgkmax is varied while the volume of the unit cell and the number of atoms are fixed, estimating the computational effort is not as straightforward, but the iterative solver is more advantageous than the direct one for low-dimensional systems.

4. Plotting the band dispersion

The diagonalization is performed during the self-consistence cycle, but not exclusively. For example, plotting the band structure requires it too. Although the choice of the eigensolver is made in the groundstate/solver element, it applies to the properties calculations too. The input below plots the band dispersion.



  <structure speciespath="." >
    <crystal scale="1.0">
      <basevect>13.163831236 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>-6.581915618 11.400212262 0.00000000000000</basevect>
      <basevect>0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 20.0</basevect>
    <species chemicalSymbol="C" speciesfile="C.xml" rmt="1.15">
      <atom coord="0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.6666666667 0.3333333333 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.2313939997 0.1156969998 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.4352726670 0.2176363335 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.7823636665 0.2176363335 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.8843030002 0.1156969998 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.7823636665 0.5647273330 0.0000000000"/>
      <atom coord="0.8843030002 0.7686060003 0.0000000000"/>

    ngridk="4 4 1"
            <path steps="25">
               <point coord="0.0     0.0     0.0" label="Gamma"/>
               <point coord="0.0     0.5   0.0" label="M"/>
               <point coord="0.3333333333  0.3333333333 0" label="K"/>
               <point coord="0.0     0.0     0.0" label="Gamma"/>
In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
ulimit -s unlimited
time python -m excitingscripts.execute.single -f input.xml
cd ..
In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
python3 -m excitingscripts.plot.band_structure -e -10 5
cd ..

The script excitingscripts.plot.band_structure is a useful general tool for plotting electronic and phonon band-structures. It allows for a bunch of different arguments which are fully described in The python script "plot.band_structure". This script produces the PNG file PLOT.png. You can visualize this file with standard tools, the result should look like this:

In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image

5. Can you afford higher rgkmax?

In the previous sections, we performed initial calculations with the parameter selection that allows us to get started quickly. A production calculation would require higher rgkmax value and a finer $\mathbf{k}$-grid. In this tutorial, we limit ourselves to discussing rgkmax. The choice of this parameter depends on the precision targets and the quantities of the interest, but typically the reasonable values are in the range 6--10 for carbon. Let us assume the most optimistic scenario where rgkmax=6 is sufficient. For this example, we replace the rgkmax value and save the input file as input.rgkmax6.xml.

How much more expensive our calculation will get in comparison with what we did in the previous sections? Here is "a back of the envelope" estimate. The number of the basis functions scales as $N_\mathrm{LAPW}\propto \mathrm{rgkmax}^3$, and $N_\mathrm{LAPW}$ increases $(\mathrm{rgkmax}^\mathrm{new}/\mathrm{rgkmax}^\mathrm{old})^3 \approx 3.4$ times. Direct eigensolvers from the LAPACK library require $O(N_\mathrm{LAPW}^3)$ FLOPs which translates into $3.4^3\approx 38$ times longer runtime spent on the diagonalization! How long would it take to run the calculation using the iterative eigensolver? Let us run and see!

In [ ]:
cd run_graphyne
ulimit -s unlimited
time python -m excitingscripts.execute.single -f input.rgkmax6.xml
cd ..